Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Radiotherapy Shirt 6 of 20


This is another bright chitenge shirt made by Ireen.

Chitenge material has a variety of uses. The most common is as a covering ladies use to protect their dresses. The material is just wrapped around their dress and tied . When ladies gather they usually sit on the floor which is a dusty soil for most of the year. The chitenge can be easily washed while leaving the dress clean.

Chitenges are also used to carry babies. The babies are held close to the mother in the sling made by the chitenge. It is very easy to swing the baby to the front for feeding. It is lovely to see mothers carrying their babies in this way.

Finding suitable accommodation in Monze has been a bit of a challenge. Thankfully I have a number of friends in the town who will search for me. I need somewhere that is furnished, I want to be able to cater for myself and to have space to welcome friends for coffee or a meal. I also like to be close the town centre so that it is easy to pop out to the market and local shops where I often meet friends that I have made over the past 20 years.

Recently I have been staying at “Truckers”. This meets all my needs. The drive leads to the main road on the northern edge of town - about 15 minutes from the market.

In this picture I have a chitenge hanging behind me on the wall – yet another use! This elephant chitenge was a present for my wife from my landlady at Truckers - giving presents is an important part of the Zambian culture.

Please use this link to find out more about Transformation Through Education and support PIZZ School.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Radiotherapy Shirt 5 - Drums


I like to pick up chitenge material that is bright and fun! The 5th shirt is covered with drums.

Drums are very important in Zambia, as well as providing the backing rhythm for music they were traditionally been used to pass information between people – particularly in the rural areas. I remember once hearing drums as I wondered in the bush and thought that maybe my presence had been noticed. On one occasion my wife Dilys went out with a group who were sensitizing people to the issues around HIV/AIDS and encouraging people to get tested. In order to get people together they used the drums and gradually a crowd gathered from the surrounding area.

During church services I attend, drums are invariably used to encourage and support the singing and dancing. Attending Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church really is a celebration!

PIZZ school has drums to assist with celebrations and is used to support traditional dancing. They are considered essential pieces of equipment.


Please continue to support PIZZ school by following this link. Transformation Through Education



Monday, September 23, 2024

Radiotherapy shirt 4 of 20

As I write this short blog the rain is falling. We are having problems in the UK with flooding. In Monze it last rained in January. Getting water and food is becoming an increasing problem. My friend Diven has bought a drum so that, on the few occasions during the week that he can draw water from his tap, he can fill the drum to provide water for his family for the other days.

The impact of Climate Change is affecting us all, but the porrest are impacted the most.

The children are back at PIZZ school after the August break. Please help us to continue to ensure that the children can get their school meals. Find out more and support us at Transformation Through Education



Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Radiotherapy shirt 3 of 20

 This is a fairly traditional shirt. One that I have had for a number of years. My life has changed dramatically as a result of my relationship to Zambia. I have contact with friends there most days.

The drought this past rainy season has had a huge impact. Not only is food , particularly maize, more expensive but it has been very difficult to buy in any quantity. I heard today that Our Lady of the Wayside Church in Monze has just managed to aquire 50 bags of maize from the Zambian Food Reserve Agency – this has taken many months to arrange. The food will be distributed to the most vulnerable parishioners.

PIZZ school also had a challenge to acquire maize to provide school meals for the children – all students get a free meal each day when they at school. Eventually the supply of maize was also agreed by the Food Reserve Agency. It costs about £15 to provide daily school meals for a child for a year! Of course with 600 children that adds up!

Please check out our website and donate if you can.

Transformation Through Education



Sunday, September 15, 2024

Radiotherapy Shirt 2 of 20

This is a shirt made from chitenge material I bought from Monze market. (I still don't know what the shapes represent!).
One of my joys is wandering around the market buying food and talking to the stallholders. I would like to say that the chitenge material is made in Zambia, but like so many products they are imported. Some from other African countries such as Nigeria, but more often from India or China.

PIZZ school was founded in 2008 with classes from grade 1-9. It’s so much more than a school! We have extra pastoral care with peopler able to follow up on any children who might be missing school. They might be having to look after parents who are unwell or they might be the oldest and are the main carer to there siblings so can’t make it to school.

We are there to make sure they can still get a education! And enjoy being a child!

Please help us support the children and give them a life they won’t have without our help.

Please consider a donation and spreading the word. Click the link below:

Transformation Through Education



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Radiotherapy Shirts - Day 1 of 20

Since 2004 Ireen has made me at least one shirt each time I have visited Monze, Zambia. Usually I choose the material, however this shirt is an extra one that Ireen gave me as a gift.

Over the years I have come to know Ireen and some of her family and I always get a very warm welcome when I return to Monze. Ireen has struggled over the years to pay school fees for her children.

PIZZ school provides an education for many children whose parents cannot money for school fees. Please check out the website at Transformation Through Education


Thursday, September 12, 2024

At the beginning of this year I took some tests, the outcome of which was that Prostate Cancer was detected. As part of the teatment a course of radiotherapy was recommended. The course comprised twenty sessions taking place on consecutive weekdays. To add interest (and hopefully raise something for the charity), I decided to wear a different Zambian shirt for each session. My granddaughter Amy took some photos and videos and posted them on Facebook and Instagram.

I thought that I should use the opportunity to share them with you on my blog and reach another audience. Over the next few weeks I will post the photos and videos of the 20 shirts, together with information about PIZZ school and some more of my exploits in Zambia.

PIZZ school is an amazing project providing opportunities for some children who would never have an education otherwise. Many of the children from the school gain the confidence and qualifications which enable them to transform their lives and that of their families. This project relies on Transformation Through Education

to pay its teachers, provide school meals for the children and cover other costs. If you are able please support this charity. Please share the details with others. Thank you.

2004 marked my second visit to Monze. I decided to spend 4 months helping at the hospital working with local staff to develop computer systems.

I was joined during my visit by a physiotherapist – Emily. She worked as a volunteer at the hospital and at a centre nearby, providing support for children with disabilities. During this time there was also a surgeon who had come from the US with his wife.

Well Emily and the surgeon's wife decided that it was time for me to embrace the local style of dress. They found a tailor and brought her a piece of material from the market (known as Chitenge). Ireen took measurements and before long I had what was to become one of many shirts she would produce for me. Unfortuately this shirt no longer exists – except as a patch in an old backpack! However many others are still wearable!

The photo above was taken before mobile phones could be used for selfies – even selfie sticks didn't exist! Like most photos – especially those taken in Zambia there is a story.

The photo shows John and his family in 2006. John told me one day that he wanted to dig a well.

He only needed a spade and a pick-axe and he could do the job himself. I appealed to my friends and he bought the implements.

All was well until he had dug a hole about 6 feet deep! The problem was how to get out of the hole and remove the soil!

The answer was a rope, a bucket and a windlass ( A pulley system that sat on top of the hole and allowed the bucket to be lowered into the hole.)

Oh, and someone to operate the windlass!

So I borrowed equipment and agreed to pay for food for John's friend to ensure that he kept near the hole!

All continued fine until the hole was about 20 metres deep – I didn't want to think of John 70 foot down a hand dug hole! John was concerned that the rope was fraying!!

So a new rope was purchased!

The well is considered deep enough if, in the morning, at least one full drum of water can be extracted from the bottom of the well!

At 30 metres the hole was found to be suitably waterlogged! So job complete – well not quite!!

John is worried that the sides of the well (which he has been working in daily) will collapse!

2,000 bricks plus sand and cement were purchased to line the well - from bottom to top!!!

Open wells are very dangerous. I knew of one child who fell down a well and died.

So the well was covered and a rope pump purchased. Now my work really was finished!

Oh then John decided to move!!

I had never expected to get away with providing just a pick and shovel – so I wasn't too surprised at the outcome.

I learnt a lot during this exercise and came to know John a little.

I have met with John now and again over the years, but for the past 10 years or so I hadn't seen him, until this year when I came across him again. I was delighted to see that he was still going strong. He has always been a bit of a rogue, but he is a real character and someone I always remember fondly.

Best wishes,
