Wednesday 22nd

week has flashed by since my last post. For most of the time I have
been in Chisamba. I didn't go with my laptop – or my dongle – so
I have been out of contact.
electricity problems are affecting the whole country. I must admit
that I find it hard to understand the view that the level of water in
Lake Kariba is the cause of nationwide problems. Firstly there are
other sources of hydro-electric power, but more importantly Lake
Kariba is vast. The figures which I gave in an earlier blog are
staggering. I have just done some calculations which suggest that, if
the turbines could cope with all the water at the average rate it
flows over Victoria Falls - 1 million litres per second - the level
in the lake would reduce by about 4 ½ metres after 250 days, which I
suppose could be significant, especially since low levels in the lake
would also affect its initial surface area. I don't know whether the
turbines could cope with this amount of water however. - we need an
expert!! In Chisamba the electricity went off just after 6 hrs and
sometimes didn't return till after 15 hrs. This is having a major
effect on everything Watering the crops is difficult because not
enough water is being pumped into the storage tanks – where schools
have flushing toilets they have to close, if there is no water- again
often the tanks have a limited supply. At Kaliyangile the incubator
for the village chickens wasn't on long enough to provide chicks.
Industry must also be greatly affected.
journey to Chisamba was a good one, with less waiting than usual. I
set of at about 5.40 and arrived just after midday.
the Acting District Commissioner in Chisamba wanted to meet with me.
It seems to be usual for charities and other NGOs effectively to run
projects in Africa. Hands around the World is a little different in
that we support projects run by local people. Obviously we will share
our views and have some influence, but the strategic decisions are
left to the local people. However it seems that I was looked on as a
decision maker in respect of Kaliyangile. The government was keen to
help the project, primarily by providing trainers. It was a very
tempting offer and one for the local management committee to
consider. The details of the arrangements were a little unclear,
though they became clearer as the days went on.
many ways I am able to have a bit of a rest when I visit Chisamba.
There are quite a number of things to check out and discussions to
have, but inevitably there are times when local staff need to attend
to their business and I have a chance to reflect. The site is quiet
and full of bird life.
had intended just staying for a couple of nights and returning on
Saturday, but the District Commissioner persuaded me to extend my
visit until Monday to enable me to visit a school and training centre
which he regarded as models of such establishments where the
government was involved.
is trying to run itself using the profits from various on site
activities such as gardening, poultry rearing, bee-keeping and pig
farming. Training for bee-keeping has now commenced and working with
the Forestry Department looks to be developing into a good
ate out most nights – not having cooking facilities myself.
Davidson accompanied me to the Better Place for nshima and relish.
Relish being anything not nshima!! So I had fish, chicken and sausage
on successive nights – there is also a “soup” which comprises
some vegetables and cooked tomatoes. After supper we adjourned to a
local bar with a pool table. I enjoyed a few games and managed to
play Davidson now and them. The general rule is that the winner stays
at the table and plays the next challenger. However, when I was ready
to go someone would inevitably want to play me and it was difficult
to get away at a reasonable hour. On one occasion it was 23 hrs
before we left.
met the management committee on Saturday and brought them up to date
with the DC's offer as well as discussing other business. It was a
very positive meeting where the local committee seemed determined to
make the centre work well.
have introduced an English mass at Chisamba so I arrived before 6 hrs
ready and eager! There was no activity but at about 6.15 some ladies
arrived and told me mass was at 6.30. I wouldn't have minded another
few minutes in bed!! This was the first service that I have attended
this year in English and it was good to be able to understand what
was being said.
mass I visited a plot of land where Davidson is building himself a
house. He has constructed two rooms and is acquiring bricks which he
will 'burn' and use to make additional rooms. He has a small pigsty
and a few ducks to help with the family finances.
of the rest of Sunday, and a part of Saturday, I relaxed watching the
birds. A group of young children joined me and we entertained each
other with a few games.
Monday I went to Kabwe with Persis where we met the education
officer. No prior arrangements had been made but we were able to
visit the two establishments identified.
Skills was a training centre established and run by the government.
It ran a wide range of courses from tailoring to car mechanics and
catering, and a few more beside. They seemed to be quite successful
in what they did. They charged significant course fees, unlike
Kaliyangile where the courses are free. It is also a much bigger
operation and doesn't provide agricultural training.

School was set up by an order of Catholic brothers to provide
education for the poorest in the area. Being under the Catholic
Church they are able to seek Grant Maintained status – which was
given to them as a Basic School (grades 1 – 9). They have now
extended the school to provide education to grade 12 – the final
year of secondary school and are seeking similar status as a primary
and secondary school. This status enables them to have government
teachers but still maintain control over the policy of the school. In
particular they still select the children from the poorest sectors
and charge no fees. They are supported by a small UK charity which
has provided the infrastructure and other funding.
school is very impressive. The current head has started getting the
children involved with rearing chickens and growing vegetables to
give them extra skills and to raise some income. The extent of the
gardening is significant. The provision of teachers is a big benefit
and the special status afforded to the church enables the school to
continue to work in the way establishes by the founders.
left for Lusaka at about 13.30 on a big bus – unusually without any
delay. However the congestion as we entered Lusaka meant we didn't
arrive at the bus station until 16 hrs. Shalom and Mazundu provide
buses that run to a schedule, but unfortunately both were full until
19 hrs. I was offered a bus going “now now” but turned it down
believing that “now now” was after 19 hrs!! Instead I walked
through town and found a Rosa almost full. By 17.10 we were on the
road and I was in Monze by 21hrs. I accepted a taxi and picked up
some chicken and chips from Tooters on the way home. Deana had
warned of a hole in front of our house with no warnings and suggested
the back road. The driver dropped me the other side of a large mound
of earth that apparently had been dug up that afternoon.
inside Deana informed me that water last came out of the taps a
couple of days ago. So we started to plan for a prolonged period
without water. The electricity load shedding had also changed with a
couple of periods during the day without power – but usually power
was provided in the morning and evening.

was an opportunity to start catching up on the computer work missed
when in Chisamba. The 2hrs plus battery life on my laptop meant that
I could use it for most of the day – unfortunately I couldn't
access the internet. It later transpired that I had no data credit
left in the dongle – though the indications had been otherwise.
was now plentiful – unfortunately it still didn't find itself in
the taps but rather had filled the large hole dug the previous
afternoon!! Still it was progress in that we had plenty of 'Grey
water' - or rather dirty brown water - for flushing the toilet.
Jennipher and Raymond popped around during the afternoon and early
morning I had arranged to meet Mrs. Sianga. But when I awoke I was
aware of water in the taps outside!! The immediate crisis was over!
It was a delight to have an early morning cold shower!!
had come to see me at PIZZ School. I didn't recognise her at first –
she has grown into a an elegant lady and has thinned a bit. She has
now completed her first year at Zambia University in Lusaka, having
started her education at PIZZ school. Her brother suffers from a
number of disabilities as a result of cerebral malaria. This makes it
very difficult for her mother to work to support the family. They are
all very proud of their daughters achievements and look forward to
the time when she will be a qualified doctor. She is determined to do
well and works hard as evidenced by exceptionally good marks in her

talked to Mrs. Sianga about many aspects of the school. I was
particularly touched when she talked of the value of feeding the
children. She said that it was important to make sure they had the
food on the premises, because otherwise it might just go to others in
the family. She told me that she didn't mind when some children only
ate half of what they were given in order to feed their hungry
brothers and sisters at home – at least they were eating something!
It stories like these that bring home to me the poverty in which
these children live.
lunch I had a couple of things to sort out on the computer before
heading for town. It was after 16 hrs when I left and I expected to
miss the post office and fail in the most critical tasks. However, I
must have been looked after because everything fell into place, I had
my parcel wrapped and with a couple of minutes to spare presented it
at the post office. It was a few minutes after 5 pm, within a post
office with closed doors, when I finally had deposited my parcel. For
some reason the guy behind the counter was very pleased to meet this
Mr. Christopher Barrell – I wonder why? I also managed to sort out
one or two other tasks.
returned via the market, called briefly on Diven to postpone our trip
to Tooters and played the Pied Piper up the road! I knocked up a
quick meal and got busy for the evening. As usual its now time I was