4th July
Today marks the end of a long weekend. Traditionally the Gonde
ceremony would be celebrated now just outside Monze, but with the
leader of the most popular politcal party in this area in jail on
treason charges, people are not in the mood to celebrate and the
ceremony has been postponed. I have been here on numerous times when
Gonde has been celebrate, but for some reason though invited I have
never quite made it – so another year passes!
As I walked along the railway tracks today, stepping from sleeper to
sleeper I had a chance to reflect on the past few weeks here in
Zambia. A Black Headed Heron flew over, heading for my home and a
Brown Breasted Snake Eagle hung in the breeze. I will remember the
wildlife that has lived with and around me while I have been her at
my house behind the Curia. The herons are beautiful birds –
especially in flight, with their huge wings edged in black
contrasting against the light grey. Yesterday and today cattle Egrets
lined up on the garden wall – I counted 19 a few minutes ago. Palm
Swifts, Bulbils and Canaries are also constant playmates in and
around the garden. The delicate trees outside are loved by some large
bees which constantly feed on the nectar. Inside I have a few lodgers
– some more welcome than others!! Ants appear in their hundreds if
the slightest morsel of food is left, beetles trundle through the
house one by one, but in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. A rat or
two couldn't resist the smell of peanuts and even broke into a
plastic container where pounded groundnuts were stored. Some platic
bags sealing the entrance under the door at night seemed to have
deterred him(them) in recent days! A couple of house frogs have
stayed for a day or two at a time, booking the toilet or bathroom for
the night – it ismeant to be a guest house after all! A family of
lizards have found some pleasant accommodation under the freezer –
they race across the floor and create quite a freezer furore during
family arguments. Yesterday however they were evicted for a time by
another visitor who had obviously heard of the luxury accommodation
with overnight heating! A snake made its way into the house and
headed for the freezer. I was about to leave, but noticed it gliding
slowly across the living room floor. I decided to fetch the security
guard, who, after deciding it had moved on, spotted it at the back of
the freezer. Eventually it was located and killed. I now feel guilty
because I susspect the snake wished me no harm. I understand that
there are snakes which choose to live in houses without causing
trouble – in the same way there are varieties of frogs and lizards
that have adapted to live in houses. (My lizards however are the
outdoor variety that come in to get warmed up!)

On Sunday I went to the Citonga mass. It was a bit shorter and with
less theatre than usual. Afterwards I asked Fr. Clement about the oil
press. He told me that it was used a little in October, but a
fortnight ago it was brought into full production. A few days a week
they press the sunflower seeds. In a day they can process 30 x 50Kg
bags (although in practice the sunflower seed is lighter than the
maize meal for which the bags are made – so a 50 Kg bag actually
weighs about 30 Kg!) They get about 10 litres of oil per bag.
It was my last opportunity to meet with St. Veronia's Small Christian
Community. Next Sunday there will be no meeting as there is a parish
retreat on the Saturday at Chikuni. The Jesuits first arrived in
Chikuni to bring Christianity to this area of Zambia over 100 years
ago. In truth being my last day in Monze next Sunday, it suits me
that there is no 'Section' meeting next Sunday. At our meeting we
reflected on next week's gospel which contains the phrase “My yoke
is easy and my burden light.” I see yokes almost daily in Monze as
the oxen pull their loads, but the phrase troubles me! So often I
feel that the Lord is just asking too much. Earlier in the scripture
he talks about revealing things to children and hiding them from the
wise. Maybe it is ourselves that create the burdens. So often we see
problems that are not there, we live our lives in constant fear of
what might happen – yet so often when the time comes, we wonder why
we were so anxious. Perhaps we need to learn from children who so
often enjoy the moment and let tomorrow take care of itself.
I handed out some photos I took last year. One of the ladies I
visited when she was sick has since died. Another has breast cancer
and after the meeting we went to her house to see her and say a few
prayers. She has a cancer which is forming a mass at the surface of
the breast. She went to Lusaka for treatment and they said they
hadn't any medicine, but gave her some painkillers. She is waiting in
case they call her again for treatment. It isn't clear what if any
treatment they propose. I am not sure what painkillers she was given
– panadol (I believe it is just paracetamol) seems to be the norm.
I gave her some stronger tablets that I bring with me, which
Jennipher says are effective.
I eventually got to see Charles, after a slight delay due to the
incident with the snake. We attempted to put the world right –
though in truth I think with the world's current state it will take
more than a couple of hours between Charles and myself.
Power has been remarkably reliable this year. A short planned outage
last week and a couple of minor breaks have been the only losses.
Yesterday, while talking to Dilys via Skype, the power went down for
a while. On the way to the staff room where I access the internet I
was aware that the moon was now half and almost directly above me.
Returning during the brief power cut that moon came into its own! It
is a real joy to me to see by the light of the moon. With no
electricity in Monze the moon became my torchlight. It was more than
adequate and quite strange to switch off my torch as soon as I came
out of the room, because it was now superfluous. My shadow was now
clear and lead me back slowly home as I wondered at the beauty
displayed by that very special light. I wasn't home long before power
was restored and I could return to continue my conversation with
This morning I met with Obert's parents. They live a little way
beyond Southern Comfort Motel – about three kilometres up the
Livingstone road. I arranged to meet at Southern Comfort since there
was no chance that I would find their house on my own.
Southern Comfort gives a small glimpse of what Zamba could be. It is
a reasonably comfortable Motel with green gardens and even model
animals out front. With water, electricity and a little money Zambia
looks very nice, and with the climate it is a wonderful place to
We talked about the pre-school which struggles to survive. Growing
some chickens helps pay the teacher, but it is a struggle. The
children are given a little food two or three days a week – the
other days there is nothing to give. Another batch of chickens would
allow them to raise enough to cover costs, but this would need about
£200 to set up.
While I was there Nancy arrived. She had been told that I was
visiting. Today is her eighth birthday and she had produced a letter
for me.
I am very impressed by the way that Obert's parents work with people
who have children with disabilities. They encourage them to take
their children to school, Sometimes the parents won't even let the
children be seen outside the house. Obert's dad told me how he was
told not to take Obert to school, but he was insistent that he
learnt. Now Obert can read and write, speak better English than his
dad, drives a car and plays in goal at football – discarding his
false leg, but using a single crutch instead – which is thrown
aside as he dives to save a goal!
So I returned along the railway line thinking of what I would miss.
Life happens at such a pace and in full view here! Ladies with large
containers full of buns balanced on their heads, cycles that are
loaded with charcoal, maize and many other products. They often have
a passenger on the back or on the crossbar. Women will cycle with
childen strapped to their backs with a piece of chitenge cloth. Goats
and cows wander down the main roads. People have conversations as
they continue their journeys, shouting louder as they move apart.
Goods are carried on heads, shoulders or more often by wheelbarrow or
ox-carts. Minibuses rush around hooting to attract passengers and
display messages such “God Knows, In God We Trust” or given
references to bible passages. Children use all sorts of objects as
toys, kicking bottles or balls made of rags, rolling tyres and
pushing cars which they have made from discarded bottles - and I
notice when the sun goes behind a cloud, not when it comes out! Life
will seem dull when I return to the UK next week.
With love and prayers,