Thursday 16th June
It has been frantic here over the past few weeks. What should have been a time spent preparing for the trip - which starts on Sunday! - has been disrupted because of a number of very sick friends and relatives and a number of deaths.
Just over two weeks ago I heard that a good friend of mine Yunus had suddenly been rushed to hospital and was in intensive care. He had a tracheotomy, as yet they haven't been able to remove the tube and his condition has not improved. A day later I heard that a friend of mine, Sr. Elly-Maria, who gave me the courage to leave work early and pointed me in the direction of Hands Around the World, had died. The same day I had a call from an uncle who had been keeping me updated about another sick uncle (my Uncle Gerard). He told me his wife had died. So I attended two funerals within 5 days.
An aunt came over from Ireland and stayed a week, during which time we attended the funeral of my aunt and visited my sick uncle on the Isle of Wight. We did manage a small celebration for my dad who had his 90th birthday on Monday of this week. On Tuesday my Uncle Gerard died.
Uncle Gerard had no children of his own, but went out of his way to keep in touch with all the children of his brothers and sisters. When we were young he visited us every Sunday with bars of chocolate and spent time amusing us. Subsequently he has made sure all our children (and grandchildren) get cards on their birthdays and Christmas – and often presents as well. He was always great fun and will be very sadly missed by so many.
In between I ran a stall at a church fĂȘte to publicise the Parish project and sell a few items to support our church in Cheltenham. Naturally I have also kept in contact with a few of my friends in Zambia.
Yesterday the television and the car fell to pieces!! (we now have a new TV and a repaired car – although Dilys was complaining of more noises earlier this evening!). This afternoon I checked that my accommodation was sorted, only to find that they have decided not to let anyone stay in the flat at present, because of problems with a crack in a wall. (I have subsequently been offered a room by Fr Kenan!)
So the signs are good certainly none of my planning is coming to pass!! So I am leaving the UK much in the same way as I left Monze. I look forward to an exciting time!! I am certainly not in control – I hope that the Lord has a plan for me - I suspect that he has!!
With love and prayers
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