Thursday 20th September
In many ways it
feels as if I have been here for weeks and yet it was only this time
last week that I was passing through security at Heathrow.
I am now in
Chisamba catching up on progress with the Kaliyangile project.
I have quickly
become accustomed once more to the ways of the people here and many
seem to remember the strange white man who wanders around their
compounds. The children greet me with 'How are you' and respond with
smiles and laughter, as I wave and reply. I have learnt to accept the
many people coming up to me to ask for money, or some other
assistance. It can be intimidating, but I try to treat everyone with
respect and listen to their requests – most accept my refusal of
money graciously and sometimes I find that they are just inquisitive
and want to know what I am doing in Zambia. Today a guy asked me
whether there were white men who would pay good money for old Zambian
coins (in fact all Zambian coins are old, since the depreciation of
the Kwacha has meant that only notes have been exchanged for many
years.). A couple of years ago I was asked a similar question and not
knowing the answer checked a coin catalogue at home. It would seem
that the coins have very little value unless they are in excellent
(almost new) condition, and particularly rare. So I couldn't impart
good news.
On Monday I
needed to catch up with the Hands Around the World project in Monze –
PIZZ School.
All the projects
I know, run on a shoestring. There is never any spare money and lots
of juggling is needed to keep up with the bills. The school is
producing good results and it was good to meet up with Mrs. Sianga
once again. As a charity we do our best to promote the work of this
school where 240 children are being taught. Most of whom would have
no education otherwise and little chance of progressing to make even
a modest living. It is wonderful to see what a difference a
relatively little investment can make to so many lives. Without
inspirational people like Mrs. Sianga many children would lack hope.
Unfortunately here in Zambia there are more than 1 million orphaned
children – many just wanting that chance. We caught up and I
promised to do whatever I could to reduce the burden, under which she
is looking rather weary these days.
I have told Fr.
Kenan that ideally I need my own space. One of the problems is that I
have a constant flow of visitors – who like cups of coffee and
feeding if possible! Another is that my lounge often resembles a
workshop – which wouldn't be fair in the priest's house. In the
morning he brought me several printers and a laptop and asked whether
I could get them working! So my lounge became a workshop! I had a
fair bit of success, though an Epson printer refused to perform.
The government
has introduced a number of knew rules which have merit, but perhaps
the implications haven't been fully recognised. (It seems to me
governments are the same worldwide!) One change is the introduction
of a minimum wage of 540,000 kwacha a month (about £72) – this
equates to more than twice the average income of about £1 a day.
This is likely to cause a lot of people to lose jobs if it is
enforced - some of the staff at our projects earn less than 540,000
per month and at the moment the budget wouldn't cover the proposed
By Tuesday I was
well sorted out with tea and coffee. Unfortunately very little water
had emerged from the tap for a day or two. Tuesday afternoon was the
first opportunity to gather sufficient in reserve to cater for the
requirements of myself and my guests. Luke visited me with his wife
and Jennipher and Diven also called in during the day. I showed them
some of the photos and videos from the Paralympics.
I was lucky to
attend some sessions of the Paralympics with Dilys in the Olympic
Stadium and watched the final day of athletic competition with my son
Andy. It was inspiring to see the capability of these athletes. With
a bit of thought, determination and the investment of time, energy
and finance, it is amazing how disabilities can be overcome. If only
we were determined to provide this opportunity to all with
disabilities, however caused and in all parts of the world. How much
better our world would be.
One of the
interesting outcomes of the Paralympics was the amazingly good
humoured and life-giving atmosphere that resulted – particularly
around the Olympic Village. I hope that the event will change
perceptions of disability and that more resources are provided to
ensure that people with disabilities are able to take a fuller and
more active part in everyday life.
First thing on
Tuesday, I called into the hospital to check the position on my
possible move to the hospital guest house, to check on the situation
at the hospital and offer my services if required. The Accountant
Motty, who was an uncle of Lukes and someone I knew well, died
earlier this year and other key staff are currently doing courses
away from the hospital – including the Administrator. Though it is
not clear how I could help during my short stay, there might be some
assistance I can give – we will see.
I find it
difficult to watch the way in which animals are treated here in
Zambia. We had a trailer on the back and in the course of our journey
it became full of pigs and goats unceremoniously dragged into it. We
also had a couple of live chickens stuffed under a seat inside.
Once again there
were accidents en-route. A lorry carrying steel girders was on its
back - the cab crushed – I doubt whether the driver survived.
Another lorry further down the road was on its side and cotton bales
lay on the edgeof the road. I must admit to a great dislike of speed
bumps. They seem to have taken off with a vengeance in Zambia during
the past year. One of the side effects is damage to the vehicles'
suspension. I can't help wondering whether this could be a
contributory cause in some of these accidents.
As we approached
Lusaka I had a call from Sr. Loice, for whom I had a sewing kit given
to me back in the UK. We met and she drove me to the bus station were
I jumped onto the Chisamba bus with my backpack, laptop and saw! (I
was asked by a man in Lusaka whether I was a carpenter – to which I
replied “no, but I know a man who is!”)
Surprisingly the
bus was very soon full and on its way to the crossroads. Again at the
crossroads the taxi left immediately. Surely this was too good to
last!! And sure enough it was!! About half way to Chisamba the car
lost power and gradually came to a halt. I had smelt petrol fumes and
it seems that we had no fuel left. We waited at the side of the road
for a short while and another taxi came along. I was surprised to see
a familiar face in the front passenger seat. Patrick, who is very
much involved with the Kaliyangile project had taken the cab. We were
back on the move again and approaching Chisamba when there was an
explosion and the front tyre split open. So another stop was required
to change the wheel before we completed our journey. The incidence of
breakdown in Zambia is high!! This is very far from the first time I
have had to transfer from vehicles or wait for repairs before
completing a journey.
I settled into
the Guest House before Moses drove me to the Centre (Kaliyangile
site). There I met Persis the new manager, Remmy – the carpentry
instructor and Robert the tailoring instructor, together with Davison
and Petros who I know from previous years.
Today I spent
most of the day at the Centre getting to know the staff, explaining
my role, and talking about plans for the future.
I am now well
used to nshima again. This evening a guy joined me at the table for
supper. He thought that people would come a long way to see a white
man eating nshima with his hands! I think that it is important to try
to fit into the culture and adopting some of the local customs shows
respect. It certainly seems to be appreciated. Personally I don't
understand how you can eat nshima except with your hands! Its not
made for knives, forks or spoons!!
Best wishes
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