Saturday 20th July
Yesterday I
spent the morning talking to the staff I missed on Thursday. I have
found it useful to get to know all the people involved in making a
project work. I try to make sure that everyone has a reasonable idea
of how Hands Around the World fits in and I like to listen to their
concerns and ideas.
Just before 13
hrs I headed for the taxi rank. I couldn't find anyone in the morning
to take payment for my stay at the guest house, so I left money with
Persis to settle the bill.
It appeared that
there was a passenger too many for the taxi, however one guy was just
saying goodbye to his friend. So once again there was no wait. This
time I didn't notice any zebras or Marabou Storks but a large
solitary monkey sauntered across the road in front of our car. I was
a bit concerned that he wouldn't be quick enough, but fortunately he
had the situation under control.
It was then
straight onto a bus and away to Lusaka. Just before we reached town
the bus pulled over and we had to transfer to another bus for the
remainder of the journey – not an infrequent occurrence in my
experience here in Zambia!
I met up with
Best outside the CHAZ offices and we had a drink at the cafe just
inside the gates. He has returned to his university course, but the
driver of his taxi has had his licence suspended following the
incident were he hit a child that ran out in front of his car. The
child subsequently died. Best is currently using another driver. As
you can imagine the incident has been very traumatic for all
Best told me
that he is president of the Lawyers Association. One of the things
they are looking into is the treatment of prisoners. He has visited a
number of prisons to observe the conditions and hopes that they will
be able to influence the authorities to improve them. He says that
the current government is sympathetic to their concerns.
I headed to
Downtown where there are Rosa buses heading for Monze. On the way I
picked up a roasted cob of corn. While I waited for the final
roasting a guy at the stall told me that God was coming – it said
so in the bible. We exchanged a little good natured banter and I took
my lunch towards the bus. I was directed to a vehicle and I hoped
that the guy understood my strange accent. For some reason many don't
recognise Monze when I say it, though when I hear local people say it
they seem to pronounce it the same! To be sure I asked the guy who
sat next to me where he was heading – since he was also going to
Monze I was reassured!
While we waited
to fill up (about 1 – 1½ hrs) I was able to finish another
thriller! Before setting off the conductor lead the passengers in
prayer – this time the prayers were not in English. So having asked
for God's protection we set off. Here religion is very much part of
everyday life unlike in the UK were it seems to be pushed more and
more to the sidelines.
In Zambia – at
least on the roads I have travelled - there are many police check
points. I don't profess to understand the workings of such things,
however vehicles are stopped and I assume that obvious defects are
looked for, and, from what I gather, a check is made that a vehicle
is not overloaded. It is interesting to notice that some vehicles
turn off the road just before a checkpoint, passengers dismount and
often walk past the checkpoint etc. Yesterday one of the guys at the
front of the bus seemed to find it necessary to climb over the top of
the seats only to completely vanish, then reappear a little later –
strangely this magic display seemed also to coincide with the check
points, but I am sure that there was no connection!
It was clear
that there were no roadworks around Chilanga! However there were
plenty a little further down the road and a considerable diversion
near Kafue Quarry. Like last week, we should have been held up
considerably, however our driver ignored the queues by driving up the
inside whether there was a road or not! He then barged his way back
into the stream of traffic – though not surprisingly the other road
users were less than keen to go along with these tactics. I must
confess that this sort of behaviour is one that most irritates me in
the UK and I am not in the habit of being very obliging myself!
I arrived in
Monze at about 8 pm – about 3½ hours after leaving Lusaka and 7
hours after leaving Chisamba. It was time to relax by starting
another thriller, having a bite to eat, a hot shower and then
creeping underneath the mosi net for a good night's sleep.
Today I decided
to have time to myself. First I rigged up a clothes line and did some
washing. Being mid July and the date divisible by 4 it has to be a
significant birthday. This year I haven't managed to produce cards
for the three children that form part of the birthday season, so I
decided I should at least wish Asia a Happy Birthday by phone. She
spoke briefly and passed me to Cheyenne who was visiting. Asia is one
of the 3 cousins who were born in close proximity. I was in Zambia
when she and Charlie were born (4 days apart) 7 years ago. I might
try a Skype session with Charlie on Wednesday – if the internet is
accessible again!
I realise that
birdwatching does not fascinate everyone, but for me it helps me to
recognise and appreciate more of God's world. It also allows me to
spend time using relatively little mental activity. I have heard that
we are at our most creative when we are doing some undemanding
background activity, but the mind is not being stretched. I think
that too often these days are minds are kept too busy. Weren't many
of the great breakthroughs in science made during periods of relative
inactivity! I am thinking for instance of Archimedes in his bath and
Newton sitting under the tree – proof if ever you needed it! Very
often after a long walk I myself thinking more clearly about the most
significant issues.
On the way back
from the Dam a Lilac Breasted Roller was radiant in the evening
sunshine as it took up its favourite perch outside PIZZ school. This
is a very colourful specimen – with dazzling metallic blues on the
wing and tail, turquoise crown, crimson striped neck and lilac breast
– quite a looker!
Raymond arrived
around supper time. My sandal strap broke on the way back from the
dam so he offered to find someone who would fix it for 50 ngwee
(about 6p). I thought the least I could do was prepare him a meal for
his return. Sure enough he completed his task – at the stated
price. (Coins have been reintroduced in Zambia after a long absence.
However this causes further confusion since 100,000 old kwacha is now
100 new kwacha but 500 kwacha is now 50 ngwee!) Raymond was looking
at my bird book and was surprised when I told him that very few of
the birds seen in Zambia are also present in the UK.
The blogs are
mounting again. The connection dropped on Thursday evening and, as
yet, I haven't managed to regain access. Today my camera also failed
to work. I am hoping it is just the batteries, although replacements
that I thought had been charged also failed!! No doubt all will be
well before too long.
Once again it is
long past my bedtime.
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