I have remarked in earlier years how I take for granted sights here
that you wouldn't witness in the UK. Yesterday I realised how many
people were wandering through the streets of Lusaka pushing
wheelbarrows. These are loaded with all sorts of goods, some no doubt
being the wheelbarrow owners own items, but many more being
transported for a customer for a small fee. Often the barrows are
piled high with heavy goods I suspect that having a well balanced
barrow is a must. Big bags of charcoal, onions or even furniture is
moved around in this manner. Women, and a few men carry heavy loads
on their heads, goats are tethered outside shops – many more wander
at will, cows graze at the side of the road in the high street,
children sell goods at market stalls, and 5 or 6 year old children
walk around carrying babies on their back. All these are everyday
sights here in Zambia and I have grown accustomed to them. The
insects and other creatures that are part of life here don't cause me
to turn very often. Crickets, grasshoppers and locusts are abundant
and fly rather than jump – some can easily be confused with birds
because they grew quite large – as do the beetles! A moth chose to
land on my leg the other day and I realised how I react differently
to different insects. I was delighted when on more than one occasion
after a quick flight he chose to return to settle on me again. I
react differently to the ants and mosquitos who also seem to be
attracted by my flesh!!
On Sunday the power was off – this is a common event in Monze when
they use Sundays to do maintenance work. The lack of mains power
didn't stop the wedding celebrations using the space opposite my
house from filling the air with loud music for most of the day! Maybe
its my age, but I find a type of music that is very common these days
disturbing. The beat is very fast and the song is a constant repition
of a few phrases. I am sure that I have been told in the past, that
the rate of the beat of the heart is very significant. A slower beat
has a calming effect while a faster one brings excitement, but also
tension. I think that we live in a world where the beat is too fast
and this is reflected in the music – one feeding the other.
I attended mass and section prayers and, not being sure when power
would be restored, I made a 'vegetable salad'. Diven came around in
the evening so we feasted on sump, which he had brought plus my
vegetable salad and my version of garlic chips! I will start putting
on weight! Sump seems to be a universal term for a sort of vegetable
stew. Diven's contained beans and groundnuts.
Yesterday I spent much of my day travelling – setting off at 8 hrs
to try to find the landlady and leave the front door key. Even having
visited the house before, I had very little idea where it was –
though I knew it was in the same road as my house. I asked several
people and called at another house before I received some
recognition! I hope that I gave the keys to the daughter of the owner
and not a stranger! – otherwise I could be in trouble!!
I was given a front seat in the Rosa bus and felt very vulnerable
without a seatbelt! This year buses to Chisamba from Lusaka seem to
fill quickly. When I arrived and the bus was full, but within a few
minutes the next bus filled and we were on our way.We were overtaken
en-route by the bus that filled behind us. In the past I have sat for
an hour or more at Lumumba bus station.
On my last visit I suggested that it might be an idea to invite the
local community to meet at Kaliyangile and discuss how they would
like to make use of it. Persis has organised the meeting for tomorrow
inviting all the church and youth leaders to be present. It seems
that the response has been very positive. Yesterday I met with Grace
a local social worker who explained that many young people want quick
money and spend it on drink. There are various initiatives to try to
help the youth to seek more positive ways of spending their time. I
hope that this project can help in this process.
This morning I visited the new Catholic priest to talk a little about
the project and my role. The Catholic Church was very much involved
with setting up the project and its early running and I am keen that
they continue to play an active role. We also met with Patrick whose
family provided the land for the project's use. It is important that
all interested parties and particularly those involved at the
inception of the project, are involved in its development and are
happy with any changes.
There is a sense in which it is easier to relax here in Chisamba. The
project forms a single focus here and I am a little bit shielded from
the harsh realities of this world. In Monze my friends are a constant
reminder of the difficult lives that so many face.
As I write this three little children are enjoying playing games with
me just outside the room. I have taken some photos and will see their
reaction in a minute.
Take care,
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