Wednesday 24th
It was a wonderful visit, filled with different experiences. It would
be easy to list all the places visited and people met, but that would
not do justice to the value of that precious time.
It is always difficult for me coming back from a trip to Zambia and
trying to re-adjust to life back in the UK, perhaps this time it has
been more difficult because I brought back a bit of Zambia with me.
Jennipher has had to return to the difficulties of her life in Pemba.
Our close connection was strengthened during her visit. We shared our
home and our lives for a few weeks and we came to understand each
other better. The differences between our worlds has been reinforced
and the huge gap emphasised.
It was towards the end of her visit that we journeyed to London. She
had seen many things but London topped everything. We arrived at
Buckingham Palace in time for the changing of the guard, had lunch in
a restaurant overlooking the Thames and travelled around the city by
underground trains. There is certainly nothing in Zambia to compare
with these experiences.
I remember once having a decent meal with friends who asked if I
found it difficult enjoying a feast while my friends were hungry. My
response was that I was happy to spend more than the cost of the
dinner on my friends in Zambia and therefore I had no problem. There
was another occasion years ago when I was in Rotterdam and I was
asked to buy some cakes for tea - they do very nice cakes in the
Netherlands. I then realised that the day was designated by CAFOD as
“Family Fast Day”. Initially I felt guilty, but then decided to
add a letter and turn the fast day into a feast day. Instead of just
cakes, I bought biscuits and beer to take back home and really went
to town indulging myself. To solve my conscience I had decided that
for every £1 I spent (or more accurately guilder) I would donate two
to CAFOD. Needless to say CAFOD did very well that year! I would like
everyone to be able to enjoy some treats - as Jennipher did in the UK
– but this should not be at the expense of the poorest.
It was amazing that Jennipher's interests and concerns so closely
matched those of Dilys and myself. We visited the Slimbridge Wetlands
and Wildlife Trust reserve and the Forest of Dean where she embraced
the natural world, delighting in it's variety - even if some of the
creatures seemed to her ripe for the pot! She was interested in
people with disabilities, sickness and the homeless in fact all the
disadvantaged and marginalised. She enjoyed meeting my friends and
family and made a lasting impression on all she met. As I have said
before it was a delight and a privilege to have her stay with us.
Since returning to Zambia she has been busy. The harvest this year
has been poor and food is beginning to get scarce and expensive. Most
of the money Jennipher was given while in the UK has been converted
into maize before prices get too high. Her main support groups have
each received a small stock for when times begin to get hard.
In discussion with the Hands Around the World volunteers Jennipher
took in a mother and baby and two young children. The mother and baby
weren't in the best of health and some extra food was needed for the
baby – unfortunately the child wasn't strong enough and died a
couple of weeks back, the child was buried with dignity at Pemba. The
mother is still will Jennipher, though not in the best of health. She
is supporting the other children but feels that her accommodation is
small for her growing family.
I am well aware that the rainy season is a month or so away. This
will bring good news but crops will take a while to grow. It will
also bring challenges – some buildings which are not watertight
will be in danger of collapse, the mosquitoes will be very active and
the rate of malaria will rise. Flooding will also bring its own
hazards. The maize harvest will not happen until March/April at the
earliest, food prices will rise and during the next few months their
will be a lot of hunger in Monze.
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