Tuesday 30th
It is still a great delight to wake to bright sunshine and clear blue
The temperature is very pleasant – I would imagine just above 20°C
for most of the day. The sun of course is still very hot. Back in
Cheltenham the minimum temperature tonight is expected to be 21°C
and tomorrow 28°C
or 29°C
is predicted!
I rang my man at Zamtel and was surprised to hear that the SIM cards
had indeed arrived! So, after sorting a few things on the computer, I
set off for town. I decided to take my time and enjoy the stroll. I
walked with my shadow ever present reminding me of my God in whose
image I am told I am made. It is great to interact with people and
share some friendly banter. I have taken to walking down a road which
has shops along it, and the people are beginning to get used to my
frequent journeys to and from the crossroads. The children too are
becoming used to me and call out their greetings, amid lovely smiles
and much laughter.
My new SIM was obtained and installed in my phone – there was even
9 kwacha credit from last year. It is good to back on my familiar
number – I expect a few friends will now get in touch.
I wanted to buy a few more mugs and to find some oil to stop the door
squeaking. It has been impossible not to disturb the peace as you
open and close the door to the corridor and since I tend to turn in
later than others, I suspect sleep is being disturbed.
I called at a shop and asked for oil and was directed to another –
however a tin of engine oil wasn't quite what I had in mind. I
suggested that machine oil for sewing machines might be more
appropriate and was told to go “behind”. I noticed that there
were narrow alleys between some shops, but wasn't sure if I should
use them, so I took a longer way around. I found an area I haven't
come across before with a variety of shops and little businesses. I
saw a tailor and asked were I could get oil, such as she might use
for her sewing machine. She directed me to 'My Prayer Shop' – a
shop I am very familiar with. I was told that it was “behind”.
Again I took the longer route and was soon accompanied by a guy who
had heard me ask and thought I was getting lost. He made sure that I
found My Prayer Shop and obtained the oil. It is very typical of the
people here to help as much as possible. They are happy to direct me
to someone who has a product they don't sell, or will often go and
buy it for me. I have even had people close their shop to accompany
me to buy something.
On the way home I called in at Homecraft which was my home in Monze
for several years. Unfortunately my small flat is being turned into
an office. I chatted for a while with Sr. Barbara about a variety of
topics relating to the work done by Monze Projects and the world in
general. A guy I had not met before came into the office. Patrice has
taken over from Vincent and apparently has resurrected a database I
produced a few years back for collecting and analysing the assets of
the poor communities in Monze Diocese and he is using it. I will call
around sometime to find out how it is working and see if there are
any improvements I can make.
The rest of the day has been filled with a variety of visitors.
Warren and his wife came around to say goodbye to Martin, who leaves
for the UK tomorrow. They brought a shirt made for Martin as a
farewell present.
Raymond popped around early evening with a note from Charles. The
moon was getting brighter, the bright orange glow of sunset dimming
and two bright stars appeared close in the sky – I suspect they are
Mars and Venus. I took Raymond to observe the sky and he said he had
intended to ask me about the stars which he noticed have been getting
closer each night. (He knows that in the past I have taken an
interest in the sky – I particularly enjoy seeing the Southern
Later Charles, his wife, Precious and eventually her two brothers
Andrew and Mike came to say goodbye.
So ends another day blessed by the people I meet here in Zambia.
With my love and prayers,