Saturday 27th
Sianga rang to say she had made an appointment to see some toilets.
We took a taxi and picked up Mr Mweemba on the way to what turned out
to be the Modern College of Education and Technology – a private
teacher training college.
am not sure whether this is the most appropriate solution for PIZZ
School, though the government seem to be pressing for such toilets.
The manager then showed us a room of arts and crafts were some of the
students work was displayed – including charts illustrating the
alphabet, board dusters and a range of musical instruments. I was
offered a drum – a bit too large to contemplate bringing back on
the plane – but gratefully accepted a smaller drum.
returned to PIZZ school where I met Boniface. Boniface was a student
at PIZZ School. He didn't go on to do great things academically, but
the school gave him the confidence to set out as a musician and he is
now sort after to perform at various shows in the area. He appears
every bit the musician! He has a great outgoing personality and is
obviously a very confident man. He showed me, on his phone, a video
that a friend of his had made of him singing one of his songs and I
thought it was very good. (The friend seems to specialise in this
sort of work). I suggested that maybe we could put a copy on YouTube
and he liked the idea. I will try to sort it so that you can view it.
Boniface has said that he will get this friend to make a video of the
schoolchildren. I understand he has written, or is writing, a song
about the school and how it helps people like him. I am hoping that
this will help us promote the school. I also hope we can get some
publicity for Boniface, who obviously has a talent.
had offered some computer training – I had thought that it was for
teachers doing training within the school. It appears that it has
been offered to teachers, some of whom have no previous computing
experience. I continued, but had to adapt my approach somewhat!
and Martin were heading for Livingstone today. I had decided that it
was time to wander down to the dam to relax a little. On the way I
made a short detour to find a cap. I didn't go as far as the lady who
promised the Zambia cap, but bought a plain green one. The guy
claimed he could get someone to embroider Zambia on it! Maybe that is
what the lady had in mind. If I see her and she has my cap I will of
course buy that one too! For the time being I will make do with my
plain green cap.
the way to the dam I met a couple of old friends. Mr Lungu I had
already seen in Tooters, but the other young man I couldn't place. It
is always embarrassing when someone clearly knows me and I cannot
recall who they are. Brian is Queen's son! It was probably 2005 or
2006. I was trying to find where St. Veronica's Small Christian
Community were meeting and Brian acted as my guide. At that time he
had stopped going to school because he couldn't afford the school
fees. Some children from Our Lady of the Wayside were being
supported, but not Brian. I met him a couple of times that year but I
was sorry not to be able to help. He told me today that he is
struggling. He has gone to Lusaka looking for work but they want to
see certificates that he doesn't have. In Monze there is very little
industry and even getting little bits of piecework is difficult. He
does what most do – a little buying and selling. He wants to meet
to talk more - so we exchanged phone numbers. I will listen to his
story, but told him that I didn't want him to raise his hopes, as it
was unlikely that I could help. He would like to return to school to
finish his education.
the dam I soon began to recognise some of the birds commonly seen
there. Cattle Egrets are almost always present. I saw a couple of
smaller birds out of the corner of my eye - the behaviour was so
characteristic that I knew they were pied kingfishers. I later had a
good view of one of these birds perched nearby. They hover above the
lake before diving to catch their prey. African Jacana's were
plentiful. The distinctive head pattern and trailing legs give them
away as they pop out of the reeds briefly before submerging again
beneath them. A gun shot rang out and the birds took to the skies,
including a flock of African Openbilled Storks. I don't know the
purpose of the gunshot there was no obvious target. A Great White
Egret eventually returned to the lakeside.
a few sandwiches Diven and Deliah arrived. My brother in law Roger
had taken an interest in some of the tales about Diven, so I
suggested that I introduce them to each other, using Skype. It was a
successful session where they were able to see and talk to each other
and connect in a way not possible at such a distance by other means.
Diven suggested that Roger comes to Monze to paint his house. (I must
confess encouraging him with this!) I am sure that Roger would enjoy
such an experience – maybe one day it will come to pass.
showed my guests some pictures taken last year when Jennipher was in
tea I spoke to Dilys via Skype and she reminded me of a concert at
the church in support of the Parish Projects – including the link
with Our Lady of the Wayside, here in Monze. During their interval, I
have just talked to some of my friends organising and attending the
concertl – though only using the phone.
never get a chance to get bored here in Zambia,
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