When I first came to
Zambia there was no internet access or mobile phones. Now it is
possible to keep in touch regularly with what is happening at home
and in the world at large. I therefore keep abreast of happenings at
home. This last few days there has been a lot happening, both at
national and personal level and from my perspective most of it has
been negative.
Thursday 23rd
was a little later getting up than for previous trips. I left the
house at about 6.30 am. Previously I had hoped to avoid the Rosa
where I was hustled onto the bus, but today I was almost disappointed
that I reached the middle of town and a parking place for Rosas
without being approached. All buses seemed to be empty. I was told
one was going in 10 mins at which I laughed. They wrote me a ticket
but I said I would pay when it set off. After ¾ hour or so rounding
the town a guy said hallo and announced that he was the driver! We
continued rounding – the vehicle being driven by someone who
presumably wasn't the driver! - while he stood at the parking spot.
At about 8 hrs the driver got on board and we set off! Despite having
no delay at Chisamba turnoff it was 15 hrs before I arrived in
Chisamba – 8 ½ hours for a journey of about 150 miles. The journey
itself was unremarkable, except that I saw a lion! (It was in
Chisamba Zoo!)
spent some time with Persis preparing a few thoughts for the meeting
on Friday with the Global Giving Rep.
met Davidson as I got off the bus and arranged to meet later for a
meal and perhaps a game of pool. We kept the appointment but fared
poorly on the table!
brought a notebook computer with me specifically to track the events
in the UK, but the MTN network was so poor that I failed to get
anywhere. I decided to go to sleep and check in the morning.
Friday 24th
woke just after 6 am, got dressed and tried to check on the
referendum results. Again the connection was too poor. I had some
breakfast but after an hour or more still couldn't get a connection.
I had some talk-time on my phone and the dongle was apparently
universal, so I swapped SIMs and at last got a connection. It took me
very little time to hear the devastating news that we had voted to
leave the EU.
was in shock! I really didn't believe that the British people would
make this choice. It seems to me that in a world which is becoming
more connected, to choose to isolate ourselves in this way is an odd
choice. What saddens me is that it appears to be a move made
primarily out of selfish motives. We are keen to keep the benefits of
a decent life to ourselves and not be prepared to welcome others,
particularly the less fortunate, to share in our good fortune. I
suspect that in fact the result will in fact be that we will be much
poorer financially as well as being much poorer as human beings.
was difficult to concentrate on the matters of the day. Aleia arrived
at about 11 hrs. Patrick joined us and we outlined some of the
history of the project. Unfortunately the tailor is sick – just
when we were about to recruit more students. We toured the site –
keeping a good distance from the bees, which by all accounts are a
bit aggressive! We were reminded why we should have been wearing
gumboots when we passed close to a snake – as usual I didn't see
decided that I should invite our small group for a meal and so we
headed for Fringilla. I think that it was when David and a supporter
from Jersey – Kevin – were out here that I last went to
Fringilla. I think that was in2008! Fringilla is about the only place
around Chisamba where I have seen white faces. Although there are a
number of white farmers who own the large farms around I never see
them in the town.
had a chance to chat in a relaxing atmosphere and enjoy a nice meal.
It was however quite cold and we needed to move out of the draughts
to be comfortable.
taxi dropped us at the crossroads and she headed back to Lusaka. What
she made of us and the project she didn't say!
spent a short time with Persis putting together an agenda for
Saturday's meeting and was ready for a meal and some action on the
pool table. I tried to ring Davidson, but the Zamtel network was now
out of action. So – late – I caught up with Davidson in town. We
had a meal and headed to the bar. I was an angry man and no one was
going to beat me on the table tonight!! And so it turned out!
Davidson arranged to arrive late for his night work and I destroyed
all opponents with the courage to challenge me on the pool table!!
checked the state of play on the internet – having already had
regular updates from Dilys throughout the day.
day ended with me wondering what was going to happen as a result of
yesterday's decision. One immediate impact is that unless we increase
the amount we send, our projects in Zambia will receive less today
than yesterday. With fluctuations in the kwacha to some extent the
differences cancel themselves out, because prices here go up or down
as a result, but the drop in the pound it will have a direct impact.
Saturday 25th
weather has been relatively cold. A strong wind and cloudy sky have
added to the impact. Yesterday was probably the first day since I
arrived when the temperature hasn't reached 20°C.
Albert, Dr. Nkata and Patrick who form the active committee at the
moment came to meet with Persis and myself. They had scheduled the
committee meeting to fit in with my visit.
must be ten years or more that I have been visiting Kaliyangile on a
regular basis. I have come to know some of those involved quite well.
Though it is a formal meeting we get on well and can discuss issues
openly and honestly. Last year Hands Around the World stopped sending
regular funding for the staff. This has given the manager a serious
challenge, but so far she has kept the centre going and paid the
staff. There are activities in hand which should help the long term
sustainability of the project – particularly the piggery. I will
continue to visit and will keep in touch with their progress.
left for my taxi at 1pm and was on the road by 1.30. Occasionally I
spot a monkey or two on the road – Aleia said she saw some on her
way. Today they were about – a single monkey then a few more
further along the road. There were also some impala in one of the
farms. Apparently when they established some of the large farms a few
wild animals were trapped and have stayed. It is unusual for me to
see wild animals in Zambia apart from this stretch of road – though
I have seen a monkey once or twice on the Great North Road in the
Mazabuka area. My heart does lift a bit when I get close to nature –
and on Saturday I felt in need of something to raise my spirits.
decided not to delay in Lusaka, so I headed straight for the bus at
Downtown without stopping for lunch. I was on the other side of the
road when someone called and said there was a bus waiting to take Mr.
Chris to Monze! It seems that even the conductors recognise me!! He
said that there was only one space!! Well it was almost full!
settled in a seat with good legroom – something quite rare on
Zambia's buses. I had been told that an empty seat, which had a
jacket on it, was taken. The bus filled and I thought the extra
passenger was a bit inconsiderate having a rear seat and waiting till
the last minute to board, thus disturbing all the other passengers. I
needn't have worried! The guy came in through a window! What
surprised me more was that his friend followed him through the
window, though there was no longer a vacant seat. One of the
advantages of a Rosa is that although passengers are tightly packed,
you do get your own seat – or so I thought!! The guys squeezed
either side of a girl and made our row a very tight squeeze. I was at
least happy that I had enough room to stretch out my legs.
we approached police check points various procedures were introduced
by the guys to prevent detection from outside! In the event, for some
unknown reason, we didn't seem to need to stop at any check points –
another first!!
was heartened when the driver filled up in Lusaka with nearly 70
litres of fuel – it seemed that he expected a long journey!
made good time to Mazabuka and arrived at 18 hrs. I was surprised
when everyone started disembarking! It seemed that we had no lights
and therefore couldn't continue.
way it works is that the conductor now finds another bus to take his
passengers. I am always a bit out of the loop because I don't
understand any of the chatter! Usually a Rosa happens to be around
and it happens reasonably smoothly. This time – perhaps because it
was unplanned – it was a little random and I was told to follow a
lady who took the last seat on a small bus. She insisted that I still
boarded and I more or less sat on her lap. Another guy was told to
get in and finally the conductor filled the remaining space! I think
I counted 22 in the Toyota Hiace (plus children of course!). Behind
the driver, where we would have 2 people in the UK, we had 6! I was
one of them! Fortunately after a very uncomfortable few kilometres a
passenger got out and I found a seat. The driver was good – he even
checked the tyre when we smelt burning rubber! (we did continue!)
Travelling on the roads in a small bus can be risky, travelling at
night is not advisable!! Travelling at night in a small overloaded
bus is probably something to be avoided – but sometimes there is
little choice!!!
settled down and saw a wonderful array of stars outside. The milky
way was clear, looking like a spiral of grey mist in the sky. I
decided to watch, hoping to see a shooting star – and so it was
that I saw my first Zambian meteor! Maybe there are forces at work
far stronger than our politicians that will bring peace to our world
– I hope so.
tried to relax but ended up with difficulty sleeping – there was
too much going through my mind. It is unusual for me to have
disturbed nights but Saturday night was one.
Sunday 26th
arrived at church to find a group of men in a huddle. It appears that
when they arrived they saw that the water pump had been disturbed. In
fact it had been stolen. It seems there has been a spate of such
thefts recently. It is a terrible crime because it means the church
and the local community now have no direct access to water.
tends to put some of our problems in perspective. Water is so
essential to life itself that to be deprived of it is a real
catastrophe. Of course there will be other sources, but water which
was readily available is no more. The pre-school might have to close
and there are other services that might struggle – such at the
counselling and testing centre.
mass I visited the site which is being prepared for the oil press.
two years ago I talked to Fr. Clement about introducing a project
that would help the parish, which St. Gregory's church might be able
to support. The people at Our Lady of the Wayside met and decided
that an oil press would be the most useful investment. It would
enable parishioners to get oil from their crops and would provide a
service to the local community which would generate income for the
church. I confess that I never managed to arrange any fund-raising
activity to raise funds - this is not my forte! However a few months
back a parishioner expressed interest and, after I still didn't take
decisive action, agreed to fund the project herself. We had hoped
that everything would be in place before I left, but issues with the
money transfer mean that it will not happen while I am around.
However, the press should be bought from Lusaka on Tuesday and
preparatory building work for housing the equipment has commenced.
headed for Queen in order to track down today's meeting for prayers.
Queen was out but a neighbour took me on a tour of the compound and
after some enquiries led me to the correct place.
reading was about Jesus sending out his disciples to spread the
Gospel. It struck me that it wasn't just a set of instructions for
them, but He was also telling us how to receive His Word. There is a
verse which says the disciples should enter saying peace be with this
house and if the person is one of peace, peace will stay, if not it
will return. It is so important that we are people of peace and that
we are ready to welcome strangers into our house and land. The
Jesuits place a lot of emphasis on discernment – trying to
understand whether your actions are in harmony with God or not. One
test is that that having made a decision we feel peaceful - a feeling
likened to the difference between water hitting a rock or a sponge. I
found this reading made me feel more peaceful, again the knowledge
that there is a greater power which can transform any difficulty into
something life-giving is reassuring.
decided to make a quick meal – scrambled eggs with rice fried,
onions and tomatoes is an easy standby. Diven rang to say he was
nearby and Delia needed a coffee. I increased the quantities and they
joined me for supper. Delia hasn't visited before. It was good to
have them around and of course Paul is a delight! We chatted, looked
at some photos and took a couple of new ones!
finished the day feeling rather more positive, though still wondering
what Thursday's decision will mean to the world.
love and prayers,
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