I have noticed how quickly the scene changes as you walk along the
road. If you glance to the other side, after just a step or two your
view can change dramatically. The buildings which dominated suddenly
vanish behind the trees and a rural landscape appears. A little later
some rubbish or a broken fence gives a very different impression.
It is similar with the way we feel and perceive life. A pain relieved
by a tablet, a friendly smile and a hug can quickly change our mood.
Today I met three teenagers attending local secondary schools. I
asked one what would make her life at school easier and she said
“food to go to school and power – a light at home.” We take for
granted that we will be able to eat at lunchtime and have electricity
for a lot more than just lighting. Another girl who plaits hair when
she gets back from school has food if she has people wanting this
service and none if she doesn't. Yet another asked whether I would be
helping her with a ream of paper and school shoes that she needed for
school. These children are the “lucky” ones because we are paying
their school fees. For them a couple of small steps could change
their view dramatically.
Deana joined me for a meal on Saturday and it was late when she
attempted to get a taxi back home. Most drivers had long stopped work
for the day – fortunately one was still awake and came to collect
her. We had a good chance to talk. It is sometimes useful to share
experiences with someone who also lives most of the time in another
I continue to meet friends and others who greet me along the road
with a friendly “Hallo Mr. Chris”. Robert passes by daily and I
see a few others regularly. Many I am desperately trying to place!
There is no progress on the lighting, other than a few positive
messages. I have been working on the PIZZ Annual Report. The
narrative has been written by Mrs. Sianga and Killian and I have
changed a few things, altered the language here and there and
re-ordered paragraphs in order to make it more appropriate for a UK
audience. I am keen that the document is jointly produced and agreed
reflecting our close relationship and common purpose. Monday was
devoted largely to this task.
Yesterday was spent at home. I had more work to do on the report and
a few other tasks. However, it doesn't take long for visitors to
arrive. A lady from the church came around to tell me about a child
she took in when the mother died in childbirth. Another couple had
arranged an appointment and I expected to need my marriage guidance
hat on again. For various reasons life is very raw here and often
life and death issues are at stake. In this instance the husband had
killed his daughter. He had spent some time in jail. Since his
release he had lived apart from his wife. Or so I thought! It seems
that they went through another wedding ceremony in February – in
fact on the day of my own 45th Wedding Anniversary. They
wanted to tell me the good news. I have kept in contact with both
parties and am delighted they are re-united. The events were
terrible, but nothing will bring the daughter back and the wife's
ability to forgive is truly inspirational. I wish them all the best
for the future.
Obert cycled around. He is having a lot of problems with his leg and
wasn't working yesterday. I popped into town with him and picked up
some more milk – I don't know why but I seem to get through a lot
of milk! On return it was around dusk and an owl flew across the road
in front of me. I have heard owls around, but this was the first
decent view of one this year. I suspect it was a Spotted Eagle Owl –
these are apparently more common here than Barn Owls
I checked that Raymond was en-route. He had mentioned that he might
see me Tuesday and as I was preparing a beef stir fry I thought I
would add another sweet potato if he was on his way. He was!! I
rather enjoy beef with plenty of ginger – it seems to improve if
the beef is left with ginger and garlic to marinate while the rest of
the vegetables are prepared. I decided to make some sweet potato
chips and fry them with some pounded groundnuts. Raymond said he
enjoyed the meal – I certainly did!
There are a number of things that are different here in Zambia.
Forgive if I am repeating myself, but sometimes I am reminded of
these features. Today the morning started completely cloudless and I
was struck again by the intense blue of the sky. My laptop has a
light blue background which resembles the UK sky - when we are lucky
enough to see blue sky, but here the colour is many shades darker.
The moon at the moment is new – which means it forms a
in the night sky – eventually turning into an
as it sets! having passed overhead!! I need to look at some models
one day and make sense of it all!!
So today I talked to a few students and discussed the project with
Mrs Sianga and Killian. Mrs. Sianga kindly provided me with lunch at
her house next to the old school and her office.
Jennipher and Lillian popped around again this evening. I have
promised Jennipher a notebook computer for her cervical cancer
screening. I showed her how it worked this afternoon and she has
borrowed it for tomorrow. I hope it will be useful for her work.
Life in Monze is difficult for so many people, my decision to share
part of my life with these people brings me into constant contact
with these situations. Sometimes I am able to provide a little
support and comfort, often I can only listen and feel some of their