is not always easy to recognise a bishop! This is especially so when
he is divested of his episcopal finery. I suspect that I have been in
the presence of the bishop during my stay here at the Curia without
being aware. David told me that the Red Bishop was resident in the
garden here at the Curia yet I haven't noticed him around! He is a
handsome fellow in his rich regalia and should stand out from the
crowd. However, on further investigation, I find that, like most
bishops, he only wears his robes during special occasions. At this
time of year he blends in with the crowd and is hard to distinguish
from other weavers or even females – yes they do have female Red
Bishops here in Zambia!!
is easy to become blaze about the bird life here. A lovely rounded
tree just beyond the garden is a perch used alternately for Black
Headed Herons and Brown Breasted Snake Eagles. The snake eagles
sometimes fly in formation two or three at a time. They hang in the
sky like a kite without a string, on their long wide wings surveying
the ground below. Other birds show aerobatic skills twisting and
turning – the Fork Tailed Drongo is a master. I even saw a Pied
Crow use the power lines as asymmetric bars – hanging on by its
toes rotating upside down!!
Thursday I went to the Immigration Office to extend my visitor's
permit. Fortunately there is now an office in Monze and the operation
is very straightforward. In the past, a trip to Mazabuka was
required. This took a good half day by the time transport was found.
For some reason you only get a 30 day Visitor's Permit – it can be
renewed twice without any difficulty or extra cost, but you can only
get 30 days at one time! On one occasion I had to travel to Mazabuka
just to extend my permit by one day!
had almost finished my shirts by Thursday evening. A couple of weeks
back I brought two pieces of material for Ireen to choose the best
to make a shirt (I also had another chitenge in the bag which was to
be for display back home). She said all three would be good!! So this
year I will be very well adorned! Rather than wait for buttons to be
attached I agreed to meet Saturday – later today – when they
should be complete.
Phiri who owns the hairdresser's Sweet Sixteen bumped into me as I
passed by. He has plans to open a lodge and other businesses, but
says he is having a bit of a rest at present. He cut my hair in 2004
and I seem to remember he took rather a shine to Emily – the
have seen Deana and Charles a couple of times now – always
rushing!! I will ring Deana later and arrange a proper meeting.
seem to have lost a week!! I thought I had a month remaining, but it
only appears to be three weeks!! As usual there is a lot to sort out.
I spend quite a lot of time with Mrs. Sianga discussing the progress
of the school and the huge challenges they face. I find I need a lot
of time to think through the issues and try to plan with them a way
forward. The school has developed over the years, but PIZZ is so much
more than just a school. We have a rich community of families where
the students range from grade one to University, and family members
involved must count in the thousands. Maintaining the delicate
balance which makes the project so successful is extremely difficult
– my job is to work closely with the people here to avoid its
have taken a break from working on the computers and decided to see
if I can jump to a proper solution. For years I battled at Monze
Mission Hospital to establish a process to maintain antivirus
software and have regular back-ups. Eventually I admitted defeat!! I
have the same challenge at the school. Access to the Internet has
improved, but the same issues remain. I am willing to give it a shot,
but doubt if the odds are in favour of success – we shall see.
shouldn't feel guity about stopping, resting and taking in our
surroundings. We are much more likely to be productive if we follow
the natural rythms of life – we might also learn to listen more and
talk a little less!!
love and prayers,
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