Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Second Visit 2019

Sunday 10th November

On Wednesday I will be travelling once more back to Zambia. Raymond tells me that the mangos are ready – I mentioned in my last blog that I was looking forward to fresh mangoes. Apparently either spelling is acceptable!! In any event I can't wait to taste real mangos again.

Life in Zambia is very complicated – perhaps life itself is very complicated!! The rain is threatening to arrive at about the same time as my visit – some places will probably have had rain today. The situation around Monze is desperate. Everyone tells me that there is a lot of hunger and people are struggling to survive. Yet the mangos are heavenly, the rain will cool the air and bring hope - and through it all there will be smiles and laughter!

At church today I mentioned to a parishioner the difficulties faced by the people in Monze and it seemed too much for them to bear. Yet that isn't the whole story. Through it all there will be signs of hope, there will be real joy and many life giving moments. I hope that I will be able to record in this blog some of the positive aspects of life in Zambia even during this very difficult time for most of the people.

I did ask some of my Zambian friends whether they thought I should come out at this time and everyone said they wanted to see me. I hope that my presence will be positive for the people and for me. Ever since I returned from Zambia at the end of May I have felt drawn back before the end of the year. It seems to be the right thing to do, but I am aware that I need to be guided throughout my visit by a greater power if I am to do the right thing.

Faith is a strange and difficult thing. My relationship with God waxes and wanes – at times we are very close and at other times we hardly recognise each other. He does his best to say hallo and remind me he (or is it she?) is still around. I often recognise my God in the games he plays. When British Airways ran direct flights to Lusaka they had a standard baggage allowance of one 20Kg bag if you travelled economy. Except for me - I was always given as many bags as I needed!! On one occasion I was asked to take 20Kg of tools with me – when I signed into my booking it showed 2 x 20Kg as my allowance. I had made no request. The following year I was surprised to find that I had been given an allowance of 3x20Kg bags – again totally gratuitously. I didn't understand why I would need three bags – I filled two and took an extra collapsible bag with me. When returning I was asked to bring a large number of baskets back and needed all three bags. (I did also return via Barcelona, but that is another story.). I worried that the following year I would be landed with four bags – fortunately I was back to one or two!! This year I have only been allocated one 23Kg bag despite the standard for Kenya Airways always being 2x23Kg in the past! Maybe I will discover a reason by the time I return!!

I think most people are aware of moments when a greater force is at work, for some these moments are momentous. For me they are often little shared jokes or moments of joy which remind me that I am not alone. However, when I am with the people in Monze and with the sick and disabled I am sure that my God is very close.

My visits to Monze are about friends. People ask me what I will do or what I need to take out. I honestly say that I am going out to drink tea and coffee with my friends and talk. I have been privileged to get to know so many people that I can call friends. Jennipher, Diven, Luke and Teddy; Best, Obert, Brian and Raymond; Bright, Fr. Kenan, Sr. Juunza and Mrs. Sianga – and so many more. My friendships have enabled me to make a little difference here and there – a few children educated, a few babies supported until they can eat solids, a clean water supply and a clinic or two with a solar light rather than candles. With the support of other people and organisations PIZZ School and Our Lady of the Wayside have been able to develop. I am very fortunate to be able to have made what I believe to be a positive difference – but this has only been possible because of the friendships I have developed. Invariably the hard work is done by my friends – my input has been small and very easy in comparison.

Please pray for me while I am visiting Monze, I will need all the support I can get. I am sure that the experience will be difficult but also very life giving and enriching.

With my love and prayers,


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