My bus was scheduled for12 noon from Cheltenham.
I decided that I had plenty of time to go to mass before setting off.
The church I go to most frequently now is Sacred Heart's church in
Charlton Kings – about 2 miles from my house. There is a pleasant
walk which takes me through Cox's Meadow - an open space which was
developed a few years back to provide a water catchment area to
prevent local flooding.
The weather has been remarkably warm for October – with
temperatures in the low 20s – I would soon be experiencing such low
temperatures only in the middle of the night! My walk was very
pleasant and I arrived at church feeling refreshed. It was great to
be greeted at church by my good friends Mary and Dominic.
We had the Gospel reading about Mary and Martha. Fr. Mark
concentrated on the fact that Mary was worrying about so many things.
This resonated with me. Particularly since Covid, I find myself
stressing about the most trivial things. I was about to travel 5,000
miles where there would many potential challenges!
Dilys picked me up after mass and before long I was at the bus
station. (The car started, no flat tyres etc.!!!) We arrived at
Heathrow on time after an uneventful journey. My plane wasn't due to
take off for 4 hrs so I had plenty of time. The first job was to
transfer to terminal 4.
As I headed for the lift a young lady was a bit confused as to how to
get to terminal 4. I suggested that she came along with me as I was
heading there myself. The process is quite straightforward – if you
have done it several times, have no problem with the English language
and can cope with limited signing! I don't think the lady was sure
that I knew what I was doing, but she continued to follow my lead as
we wended our way towards the Heathrow Express. I picked up some
tickets and we took the train to terminal 4. She was heading back to
Tunisia and the check in desks were in area E as were those for Kenya
Airways. Feeling rather proud of myself I took her into the queue for
Kenya Airways!! Fortunately I realised very soon that there was a
barrier between the two sets of check-in desks and was able to guide
her back into the correct queue.

I really believe that the Lord is behind my work in Zambia, like Mary
I worry about so much. He tries to teach me that most issues are
trivial or can easily be overcome – there were many examples as I
filled my cases before the trip, such as items that I needed but
didn't have time to buy which just appeared in front of me at the
appropriate time. In the best times my relationship with God is one
where there are plenty of jokes and laughter. I am regularly brought
down to earth when my head gets too big!!
Check in was straightforward except that I was told to take my soft
bag to another conveyor belt which I was told was very fast! It seemd
that this belt was specifically for oversized items. I think that the
way I packed my bag made it wider than normal! Anyway the bag
vanished without a problem!!
As usual new boarding passes were printed despite me printing some at
home. Security was straightforward, though I felt the need to go back
to make sure that I hadn't left anything in my tray. I sat down and
checked that I had my passport and boarding card only to realise that
somehow I had lost my boarding card! I could only think that, despite
checking, it must have been left at security in the tray. The
security officer hadn't seen it, but said that they would print
another card at the boarding gate.
Of course there was no problem and I relaxed once I knew that it
could be easily resolved. My flight to Nairobi set off at about
6.30pm as scheduled. I had an aisle seat since there was little to
see during the night and I was able to get up and down without
disturbing anyone. I tried to dose a little but with breakfast at
1.30/2.00 am BST there is little chance of sleep. We touched down at
5 am (3 am BST)
On the flight to Lusaka I had booked a window seat. I felt bad asking
a lady to move so that I could have my seat. I explained that I was
hoping to see Kilimanjaro. I had judged correctly and was on the
correct side of the plane . As we approached Kilimanjaro – not long
into the journey - the sky was completely covered with cloud.
However, the peaks in the Kilimanjao range emerged beyond the clouds
providing a spectacular and memorable view.
We arrived at Lusaka on time at 9 am. With the new terminal, extra
staff and equipment I was through immigration and customs and out of
the airport building before 9.30. A taxi driver was waiting for me
and yes the price had gone up to K600 – a little under £25.
I approached the Intercity Bus Station with trepidation, but before
we could turn in, a guy put his head through the driver's window and
said “Shalom to Livingstone” – exactly what I wanted. We easily
kept other offers at bay. I asked what time the next bus left – it
was almost 10.30 am - and was told 12.30. I agreed, but another guy
said that the 9.30 Shalom bus was just about to leave if I was ready.
Before I knew it the cases were on their way to the bus and I had my
ticket. We left just after 10.30am!!
Other than having to sit next to a guy who hardly fitted on the two
seats leaving me less than half a seat!! the journey was uneventful.
Despite greatly improved roads it still took us 4 hrs to reach Monze.
However getting to Monze at 2.30pm must be a record.!!