13th July
I have returned from Mazabuka where I extended my visitor's permit.
The permit is issued at the airport on entry, for 30 days. After this
period a visit to an immigration office is needed to extend it. Again
a further 30 days will be given. However after 3 months, as I found
to my cost in 2004, immigration is reluctant to grant a further
extension to a visitor's permit. Extending my permit today was very
straightforward and took no longer than 10 mins. Despite having
limited delays the whole morning was taken up travelling and it was
about 13 hrs by the time I reached home.
Friday seemed to be occupied almost entirely trying to acquire some
cash. The ATM is about a ½ hour's walk each way. My money doesn't
last long here and I was down to my last few kwacha. I hoped that
once the power returned late morning, the Finance Bank ATM would
release some funds. However, it seems that the loss of power upsets
the systems and, although everything appears to be working, no funds
are released. I called in at the hospital where I chatted a bit to
Sichone, dropped some glasses with Teddy who was attending a meeting
and visited Bright at his “office” by the motuary. Bright invited
me to visit his house on the Saturday, where he had further building
work underway. I also caught up with Jasper – who is our landlord
and a driver at the hospital.
I returned home with no more money. I thought we should celebrate
Friday with fish and chips! Having found a fish shop, bought a few
“Irish potatoes” and a small bag of green beans, I had the
princely sum of 1 kwacha to my person!! (about 10p) I had lunch and
returned to the bank. In the morning I had an inkling that I might be
lucky because the ATM was “temporarily out of order” which
suggested someone might be checking the problem. I was right and felt
relieved with a bit of money in my pocket. I would at least be able
to buy a few scratch cards to load airtime into my phone and make a
few calls.
I called around on Ireen who told me that I could pick up my shirt on
Saturday – she just had the buttons to sew on! ( There was a
feeling of Deja-vu!!).
I made the mistake of trying to fillet the fish! Its a while since
I've had fresh fish in Zambia. I have decided next time just to leave
the bones until it is cooked. What was left was good and the chips
and green beans were fine. I will repeat the performance and
hopefully get a better result next time.
I headed for the crossroads to meet Bright on Saturday morning.
Bright has been working as a general worker at the hospital for many
years. He has a son Brian who is deaf. Despite having relatively low
wages Bright has used his initiative to ensure that Brian goes to a
special school where they have experienced teachers for children who
are deaf. He has also managed to look after the family well. After a
while we realised that there are a number of crossroads in Monze and
we were not at the same one!! Eventually we met and headed past
Diven's shop towards Bright's house.
He seems to be the only person so far to have defined his land with a
fence. It is a reasonable size – I would guess it amounts to an
acre or so. He built himself a small house using empty paint tins as
a mould for the mud. He has recently moved his family into this
house. However his new project is constructing a very large house out
of proper “burnt bricks”. I am always impressed by the skills of
the local people. Bright has built his own house – albeit
temporary. He dug a well with one of his sons and he will “burn”
the bricks himself. The building of his new house however he will
leave to the professionals. I met Bright's wife who told me she
recognised me from Our Lady of the Wayside church.
On my return I joined Diven who had prepared some lunch for me and a
cup of tea – for which I was particularly grateful, as it was my
first of the day. A few days ago Precious mentioned that she wasn't
able to have a cup of tea whenever she wanted – like we do. Diven
asked me how I make coffee – obviously having never made it
himself. It is very easy to forget that tea and coffee are luxury
items for most people here. It is so easy to moan because we are
unable to have a cup of tea before 10 hrs these days, yet this
inconvenience is nothing compared to the daily struggle of so many of
the people around us!
Jennipher called around in the afternoon. She had been to Namibia
where Sandra had her operation, hoping to bring her back to Zambia.
However, they decided she wasn't fit to travel on a bus and Jennipher
returned alone. We decided that it was probably best to leave here
were she was until she had recovered sufficiently to make the journey
herself. It seemed that I have not previously introduced Jennipher to
Guacamole. She enjoyed some when she was with me. She had a bit of a
cough and sore throat so I also supplied her with a hot cup of honey
and lemon – another first for her.
Raymond called around in the evening and we talked a little. I showed
him how I was creating a birthday card for Dilys for Sunday. I
completed the card later and sent it via e-mail later that evening.
The Tonga mass gives me time to reflect and pray. On Sunday I was
glad of the opportunity and felt better for it. I met George at
church and he offered to give me a lift back after the service.
George has been a key figure at both Our lady of the Wayside and St.
Veronica's over the years, though he was away for a while and is only
now getting involved again. He was attending a brief session with
Legion of Mary – a Catholic group who particularly
encourage those
who are no longer coming to church to return. A group in Cheltenham
have developed a bit of a relationship with those from Monze, so I
was able to bring their greetings. They meet at a grotto which is
based on one in Lourdes, where it is said Mary appeared to
Bernadette. Lourdes has been very important for me over the years and
is a wonderful place to go to with sick and disabled pilgrims. I was
reminded of the many wonderful people I shred that experience with
over a number of years.
I called Dilys to wish her a Happy Birthday properly, and then headed
for the Dam. A tarmac laying machine was ready for action with two
guys sitting very grandly on top. In addition to my regular birds I
spotted a little grebe. I realise that few of the birds I see are
also present in the UK. The little grebe is an exception, being
resident in both places. On my return the machine, which has been in
place since the morning, had not moved. The tar laid yesterday is dry
and numerous people, bikes and probably vehicles have travelled along
the road since!!
I spent a little time with Mrs. Sianga discussing the budget for
water distribution and toilets among other things. Electricity had
gone again by about 14hrs and I returned to a dark house. The sweet
potatoes couldn't be cooked, so I put together some coleslaw and
Deana opened a tin of fish in “hot chilli sauce” - it didn't make
me cough so it couldn't have been very hot!! Deana is looking after
my health with bowls of fresh fruit and sour milk, she added a few
cornflakes for a bit of carbohydrate.
The wonders of technology enabled me to arrange for a weekend away
and visit to the theatre as a present for Dilys. Before I turned in
everything was booked and tickets delivered to my computer!
The road building outside continues! Stones have been built high and
compressed – again with some cement. However, today water has been
added to create a concrete mixture – most people walked on the road
anyway. Deana was caught out! She avoided the road, but failed to
notice that under a pile of leaves the concrete mixture had leaked
from the road to form a pool. She returned quickly having covered her
sandals and feet in the mixture – at least both her and her sandals
made it out of the trap!
Earlier today after returning from Mazabuka I called in on Ireen. She
will have the buttons put on by this evening – if I am passing I
can pick it up!!
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