Friday 3rd
Wednesday I spent the morning talking to some of the older children.
Most had in fact left PIZZ School and were studying at local
Secondary schools thanks to Hands Around the World funding.
was struck by the difference from the children I saw a few days back.
These were young men and women with confidence and ambition which had
grown over the years out of the love and care they received from the
school. A few told me how there lives had been changed by attending
PIZZ School. Peter described himself as a street kid before he was
encouraged by Mrs. Sianga to go back to school. He said that if he
hadn't come to PIZZ School he might have been in jail – like others
just like him. Last year he went to parliament in Lusaka on a school
trip and this made him realise that if he worked hard he too could
make something of himself. Emelda said that she would probably also
have been a street kid if she didn't go to school – she said she
might even have been dead, because the streets are very dangerous.
children are all aspiring to a better life. Henry wants to be a
journalist and he has agreed to write an article about his life. It
is clear that there is a lot of potential and I will fight to get the
funds needed for them to achieve their dreams - it is to change the
lives of children like these that our charity exists. One of the
children I met was Janes (pronounced Janice) who I took a photo of a
few years back. The photo has been seen on the Hands Around the World
website, Facebook pages and literature. Janes is now quite a young
lady, still with the beaming smile and brimming full of confidence.
When I told her that we were celebrating Hands Around the World's
21st birthday in August she said she wanted to send
greetings. We made a short video in which she said a few words.
returned home for lunch, to reflect on the morning and prepare for
the computer session at 16 hrs.
teachers seemed to have forgotten our appointment, but rallied around
and we had a session from 16.30 with three of them. I had promised to
talk about the Internet and show them some of its uses. I noticed
that Jane was logged on when I opened Facebook, so we exchanged a few
messages. Tom, Jane's son, helped run the Holiday Club at PIZZ School
last year so it was very appropriate that the teachers were able to
send their greetings.
called around in the evening. He was having difficulty contacting me
because I had moved to my new phone number and he hadn't picked up my
text. I had made too much food as usual and I wasn't sure what time
Deana would return after accompanying Martin to the airport. I was
therefore glad of someone to share my meal.
after doing a bit of washing, I headed for the new school plot where
I was meant to lay the first block for the foundations. There was no
one about except for the guy who was delivering a truck load of sand.
We chatted while I waited for Mrs. Sianga and the builder – mainly
about the state of the economy and multinational companies who pay no
taxes here! When they arrived it was decided to postpone the event
until the slab was laid – I could then lay the first brick!
pass Diven's shop on the way from PIZZ School, so I called around.
The plot of land on which he has his buildings is shared by a shop.
The way it has been split is likely to lead to problems in the long
term which it would seem, will only be resolved by acquiring the shop
and small strip of land adjoining it! I left Diven heading towards
Charles house with more issues to contemplate.
spent the next few hours with Charles – as usual we tried to sort
out the world's problems. It was good to get a chance to catch up.
Charles has been away a lot in recent years and I have missed our
chats. Unfortunately his projects have all but collapsed and it will
be a while before they are generating any significant income. I am
not sure how his clients will manage in the meantime.
after sorting out which sponsored children I had seen, and updating
my database. I accompanied Deana into town, taking her 'short cut'
and emerging close to Food Royal. (I now know why she ends up using
the ATM which doesn't give receipts!!)
called in on Ireen who has made a great job of my shirt and just has
the buttons to sew on. Finance Bank was in good form with two ATMs in
working order and today it was happy to dispense my cash. This made
me feel a lot better!
no one at the priest's house I wandered back to the house –
picking up a “moppa” on the way. Precious complained earlier that
the house was dusty and needed washing. It is interesting what we see
as needing cleaning. Here, a dusty floor or porch is unacceptable –
many people will brush the dirt ground outside their house on a daily
basis. Windows, ledges,sinks and baths however don't seem to be a
priority. The result is that from both cultures we tend to look at
each other's cleanliness and find it wanting!!
the afternoon I went with Deana to Lushomo School. A broken down
building last year has been replaced with a new smart three classroom
block. We had particularly come to look at the toilets. Two compost
toilets have been installed and I will be interested to see if they
work as intended. I suspect the concept is not one familiar to many
here. Not that many in the UK would have any experience either!
have dug some pit latrines though the area is low lying and the pits
already have some water in the bottom.
am still no wiser in being able to decide what is most appropriate at
PIZZ School. I hope that Mrs. Sianga has a clearer idea.
evening I offered to make my version of a spanish omelette. Charles,
who is working with Deana on her projects, was just in time to sample
a bit. It seemed to go down well.
has been cloudy, but tonight it was clear enough to see Mars and
Venus beginning to move apart once more (thanks Lyn for confirming
that indeed these are the early evening 'stars' we have been seeing
recently). We could also enjoy the comforting presence of the
Southern Cross that seems to me to be a sign of Gods presence and
protection in this blessed land.
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