Saturday 19th April –
Holy Saturday
A few things are important for me here in Zambia. At the moment I am
missing my endless cups of tea. Since arriving I have only had tea in
the morning. I usually manage at least a couple of cups at breakfast
from a single tea bag. On Wednesday evening after my meal I was going
to ask for a Mosi but after further consideration I asked if it would
be too much trouble for Citride to make me a pot of tea! Sometimes
there is nothing more wonderful than a pot of tea – and this was
one of those occasions!! The local Zambians were a little amused and
commented on the Englishman's love of tea. One of them commented on
the Indian's similar passion. He had studied in Mumbai and also
travelled quite extensively throughout Europe!
I made a brief visit to Kaliyangile on Thursday morning before
setting of to Lusaka. Unusually there were a couple of minibuses on
the main road and I thought they might move earlier than the taxis –
but it appeared they were heading in a different direction. From
Chisamba there appears to be only one tarred road, which meets the
Great North Road after about 23 km. I think the others all become
dirt roads at the edge of the small town. I assume the minibuses were
using one of these.

I was directed to an empty taxi and prepared for a long wait. However
a lady with a child appeared and we moved off, picking up others just
up the road. I will never understand the mechanisms here in Zambia. I
am constantly being surprised, but at least there is never an
opportunity for boredom!!
I arrived in Lusaka soon after 12 hrs. Jennipher's appointment was
scheduled for 10.30 so I gave her a ring to arrange to meet. She was
waiting in a queue to have her fingerprints taken and the equipment
had broken down. I am not happy with the recent moves to collect and
store fingerprints. I always associate this activity with criminal
behaviour. I am sure that in the past, innocent parties who gave
fingerprints would have the data destroyed one it was no longer
required for the case. It seems that more and more our personal
information is being captured so that everyy aspect of our lives can
be be tracked.
I eventually met with Jennipher at about 15 hrs She had with her a
relative who, with his wife, had brought a sick baby to UTH – the
large government hospital in Lusaka. Unfortunately the baby died and
the parents were struggling to return with the baby for burial.
Jennipher was going to stay in Lusaka overnight and come back with
them on Friday.

Jennipher escorted me to a bus which was about to leave. At 16 hrs we
set off!! Slowly!! There seemed to be something on the driver's mind
and we stopped several times. I am sure that the conductor was left
on more than one occasion and caught up with us somehow, fiurther
down the road. We made very slow progress and when eventually we
reached Kafue the driver found his scerwdriver and ran off. After
about 30 mins we had a new light bulb installed and were therefore
less likely to pick up fines at the many police checkpoints.
We arrived in Monze at about 20.20 – about 9 hrs after I left
The mass for Holy Thursday was well underaway and the house was
completely locked up. Eventually Fr. Clement arrived from another
service and let me in. The service had only reached the offertory so
I decided to sneak into the back of the church and stay for the
remainder of the mass.
We had entered the most sacred days of the church's year. Over the
next three days we would recall the last days of Jesus on earth. Holy
Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus celebrated the
passover with his disciples and institued the main Christian
celebration – the Eucharist. I was glad to be present, if only for
the final part.
Good Friday is a good day to reflect. I went to Our Lady of the
Wayside church in the morning. The young people acted the betrayal
and trial of Jesus outside the front of the church and then we all
followed them as Jesus carried his cross we walked around the outside
perimeter of the church grounds along the minor roads stopping on the
way to recall incidents on the route when Jesus carried his cross to
Calvary. (Our church has formalised thes events as “The Stations of
the Cross”) One thing they do well here is to organise PA systems.
All parishes seem to have no difficulty setting up microphones,
amplifiers and speakers to run from car batteries while parading
through the streets. Similarly PA systems for outside events are no
problem. I remember that in Burma it was the same.
The procession returned to the church grounds for the final stages of
the story where Jesus was crucified. Throughout the young people told
the story in actions and words in a very dignified way. They had
obviously spent a lot of time preparing for the day and it made for a
very moving and thought provoking service.

I threw a few books in my cases before I left home in England. One is
a book given to me written by Joan Bakewell called “Belief” which
is a selection of interviews she did for the radio in the UK. She
clearly has her own position and many of her guests are people who
have discarded their Christian upbringing. It makes interesting
reading but I feel a sadness because it seems that most of her guests
have never met God in an intimate way through the person of Jesus.
Unfortunately our Christian churches are often guilty of
concentrating on ritual and rules rather than experiencing and living
the Gospel. The Catholic church – of which I am a part – has been
more guilty than most of this approach.
Nevertheless I find the interviews interesting. Some are given by
people that have developed a deep and mature spirituality and we can
always learn from those who ponder the mysterys of the universe and
the possibilities of something beyond.

I also have a book which records a lecture given by Jean Vanier an
inspirational man who has devoted much of his life to living with
people who have mental disabilities and started the L'Arche
communities. He is a man I would love to meet. He believes that the
poor and neglected are the best to teach us about God. My experience
confirms that.
Another book I looked at during my reflection yeasterday is a book
called “Wayfaring” by Margaret Silf. It is based on the
spirituality of Saint Ignatius – Pope Francis, as a Jesuit, will
have followed this spirtual journey. I would like to share a few
words from the introduction which make a lot of sense to me.:
The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating
The paths to it are not found but made
and the making of those pathways
changes both the maker and the destination.
I think that I would add “and also those we meet upon the way”.
Certainly something worth reflecting upon.
In the afternoon I attended the Good Friday service again at Our Lady
of the Wayside. On the way I met Obert's mother she was heading to
the hospital but this time it is new life she is preparing for. Her
daughter is about to give birth. Let us pray that all goes well for
mother and child. It is a privilege to worship with the congregation
at Our Lady of the Wayside church and feel a part of their community.
Today is one of anticipation. I like to take life easy, to reflect
further and to spend time with my God of nature, I will probably go
for a short walk this afternoon and maybe find a place to sit
quietly. Zambia is very beautiful at the moment. Some new grass
shoots srung up after the recent rain and most of the countryside is
green. There is a wonderful array of wild flowers being enjoyed by
the beautiful butterflies and other insects.
With love and prayers