There was great excitement in Monze today with the arrival of the new
bishop elect.
Yesterday I had arranged a couple of appointments. Precious and
Charles were coming to see me to tell me a bit more about their
groups. Charles works for the Danish Institute of Human Rights as the
National adviser for Zambia. Precious is in charge of a small
organisation that focuses on women's rights and together they are
fighting to change some of the attitudes that have been present here
in Zambia. If necessary they fight the cases in court.
On the way home from Buntolo I popped into the hospital and
re-introduced myself to the doctor who has taken on the position as
Director. He seems keen for me to revive the stores stock control
system! I would need to be convinced that it would be properly
maintained before I invested much more time on the project. However,
I agreed to discuss it with Teddy and am happy to demonstrate the
system – it just happens that I have a copy of the system with me!!
There is always plenty to do on the computer – checking through
records and writing reports – but I am also going through a few
books! I think it is a blessing that the telivision picture is so
My landlady came around this morning while I was busy on the
computer. She recognised me as having been around over the years, but
hadn't put two and two together to realise who her tenant was. We
chatted for a while and she said that she would bring a few extra
chairs, more crockery and cutlery. She added that I should to let her
know if there was anything I needed. As the day progressed the
cleaner arrived with a succession of goodies.
I popped out to get some bread and managed also to pick up a large
box of Boko cornflakes and more teabags – the two most essential
items on my shopping list. Unfortunately I also need vast quantities
of milk to go with them and all these items cost rather more than in
the UK.Still the fruit and vegetables compensate. Last night I put
together a guacomole dip using a lovely fresh and large avocardo
bought a few yards from my house for equivalent of 25p.
At 15 hrs the new bishop (elect) was due in Monze. He was met at the
stadium – at the far end of the high street – by a crowd, who
escorted his car with dancing and drumming. Mounted police (the first
I have seen in Monze) made sure the crowds around the cathedral kept
in the right place. Eventually the procession reached the church and
Fr. Moses entered with a large number of the local priests. He has
spent the past few years in Rome, but he was brought up in Kafue –
between Monze and Lusaka.
I thought that it was unlikely that a new bishop would receive a huge
welcome as he came to a town in the UK. Fr. Moses will be consecrated
as Bishop of Monze at a celebration on Saturday.
The church was full and I stayed just outside to listen to the
addresses and prayers. For Zambia the ceremony was very short and
before 16 hrs it was over and people were moving off after exchanging
greetings. There were quite a number of people I knew including some
from Our Lady of the Wayside and many of the local priests.
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