Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Difficult Times

Tuesday 3rd December

I spent the morning talking to Mrs Sianga and Killian. Mrs Sianga attended the funerals of her relatives at the weekend. It appears that they ate peanuts which where to be used as seed and presumably were coated with toxic chemicals – it makes you wonder what we are using to increase the yield of our crops!

We talked about the current situation. Mrs Sianga's mother said that she had never experienced anything like it in her lifetime! Someone came to Mrs. Sianga's farm saying that they had had nothing to eat for three days. It will be March before there is another harvest – assuming that, unlike last year, there will be one this year. How many people will not survive until then we can only imagine.

I took the opportunity to see the progress of the water project. Some guys had managed to raise the water tank about ¾ of the way up the stand! I said hallo to some of the children.

People are becoming desperate and people are doing anything to get food. There are a lot of thefts and these no doubt will get worse as desperation increases.

I managed some tea and a meal when power came on at 15hrs – though Mrs Sianga provide a cup of tea earlier. I connected to the Internet, but it soon gave up - and then power went!!

Please keep the people of Monze and the surrounding area in your prayers.


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