Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Reading and Sitting in the Garden

I am not disappointed that my TVs only have local channels.

I very rarely have had access to the tv while in Zambia and it forces me to do other things – mainly reading. Today was a reading day. I finished my crime thriller by Margaret Yorke – she takes a lot of effort to build a picture of each character and her dark tales are perhaps a bit close to the truth. Ordinary people committing awful crimes. I am now on a John Grisham book which seems unfamiliar.

I almost had a day off! I enjoy meeting friends, but invariably they come with a host of challenges and sometimes it is good, and necessary, to take time out to contemplate and relax a bit. The garden continues to be a wonderful sanctuary. A lilac breasted roller spent time with me this morning. I have seen these beautiful birds before. One used to like to perch on the power line by PIZZ School. The name I believe comes from their elaborate courting display.

It is surprising what a difference it makes when I am welcomed to each new day at 6 hrs with the sun rising quickly and shining through the curtains of my bedroom. There has been some cloud, but most of the time the sun shines brightly and temperatures rise to about 30°C. There is usually a pleasant breeze in the garden to cool a little.

I continue to meet up with friends. Best popped around yesterday. It must have been about 2005 when I first met Best as a boy at secondary school. We met a few times in Monze and kept in touch. He went on to take a degree in Law and is now married with two children of his own and looks after two children from a sibling.

Yesterday I intended to just pop into a couple of shops nearby, but found myself wandering around the outside market looking for chitenge material for Ireen to make me some shirts. She has made me at least one shirt on every visit since 2004 – I have a fair stock now!! On the way back I called in at the hospital tuck shop to say hallo to Sebia. When she spotted me she left her kiosk and ran to give me a huge hug. Many years ago I was trying to find a bus to Pemba to go to see Jennipher and Sebia guided me to right place. Because she works at the hospital, we have come across each other regularly over the years. From the tuck shop I rang Teddy, not realising he hadn't yet retired. He appeared a little later at the tuck shop. I worked with Teddy for a number of years at the hospital from 2004. At the time he worked with his great friend Bentoe – who also became a good friend of mine. Bentoe was killed in a terrible car accident in 2006 while Dilys was with me here in Monze. Teddy took over Bentoe's role as Information Officer, but has always had to live with the title Acting Information Officer.


P.S. Apologies for the lack of photos. I am having problems at the moment transferring files from my phone. I am working on it!! 

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