Thursday, October 5, 2023

My preparations for my next visit are well underway. I will be setting off for Monze on Tuesday - 20 years after my first visit. In 2003 British Airways ran direct flights to Lusaka, now I have to make at least one stop enroute. I will therefore fly to Nairobi Tuesday night and continue to Lusaka on Wednesday morning. I catch a taxi from the airport – there are no buses available. The drivers have a set price, so haggling no longer works! On recent trips the price has been K500 – about £20 at current rates. (it's always cheaper in the other direction!)

I don't look forward to catching a bus at the international bus station in Lusaka. My taxi gets surrounded by people wanting to guide me to particular buses – most of which are going “now now” . This means that the bus will leave when it is full – which could be in 3 or 4 hours time. There seems only to be one company which keeps roughly to a schedule, but it is a fight refusing other offers.

With luck I will get to Monze before dark – probably about 30hours after leaving home!

In two days – on Saturday – my son Andy is doing a solo parachute jump to help launch the new charity we have to fund PIZZ School. Donations can be made using this link.

Best wishes,


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